Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Random Encounters II

Or are there dungeons in your dungeons and dragons?

I thought I might go ahead and follow up my initial foray into random encounter design with some thoughts on dungeon encounters, and how you might go about stocking the dungeon and creating some factions. Let's imagine that the map the bandit leader had in my earlier example leads to a collapsed temple, and inside the temple are several tribes of goblins, loosely allied, engaged in a genocidal war with several tribes of allied squirrel men.

This is going to give my players a bit of a peak behind the curtain and they definitely should ignore the man behind it, or else! But, squirrel men are just goblins. Well, statistically they're goblins, with two added abilities: they can climb just about anything that isn't a shear surface using normal movement, and they can glide short distances with their patagia. And they're less likely to use metal weapons (they can't make them). The gliding bit may never come up - it didn't when my players encountered them, and the reptiloids they allied with helped the group turn the squirrel men in squirrel pelts, so those particular squirrel men's gliding days are over. But, let's take a look at the Goblin entry from the Rules Cyclopedia:

Goblins. Can't live with 'em, but you can kill 'em and take their stuff.

Under the statistic 'No. Appearing' it has two values: 2d8 (6d10). The dice outside the parentheses indicates the average number for dungeon rooms, and the other is for when encountering a party in the wilderness. So, using an average of 4.5 for a d8, the average number of goblins encountered in a given room in a dungeon is 9, and the average war party encountered in the wilderness (using 5.5 for d10s) is 33. This then, is an excellent starting point for determining the size of our goblin tribes, and when we make our random encounter table, we already know how large a patrol might be. You could instead use the AD&D 1e numbers, but it ranges from 40-400 for wilderness encounters, which I think is perhaps a tad large. There aren't guidelines in the 1e Monster Manual for stocking dungeons, so my advice is stick with 40, since there's clear guidelines for what the goblins will have for every 40 members.

I also happen to have B/X Essentials, a retroclone meant to clearly and concisely replicate Moldvay & Cook's version of Basic and Expert, in which the numbers are 2d4 and 6d10. This makes the patrols smaller, being on average 5 strong rather than 9.

Either way, let's stick to the RC goblins.

I'm going to set our factions to two allied tribes for each side, plus a group of hobgoblins who could be convinced (or coerced) to either side. Using an online dice roller of dubious merit, I've rolled 42, 34, 42, and 27. For the hobgoblin mercenaries hiding out from the authorities, there are 11 (from 4d6).

Just to give our example here some spice, I'll lay out some areas for our imaginary ruined temple:

  • The two goblin tribes are the Smackjaw and Yellow Spot clans and they have encamped in what was a temple wardrobe (the cultists were a tad theatrical). They've recently cemented an alliance between their two tribes by marrying the Yellow Spot tribe's "princess" to the Smackjaw tribe's "king". The Smackjaw's have 42 warriors (not including the king and his bodyguards), and the Yellow Spot's have 34. They don't exactly fight well together, as their chains of command have not yet synchronized, so their morale is 1 lower than normal.
  • The Grey Pelt squirrel men have taken over the altar room, which has high ceilings. They live among the rafters and climb up and glide down as the need or whim takes them. They're in a looser alliance with the other tribe, and do not as yet fight or train together, but each will aid the other if attacked. Both tribes of squirrel men ride large saber toothed squirrels into battle (use the same statistics as the "large wolves" that the goblins ride, but make allowances for climbing). The Grey Pelt are least numerous of the two tribes (27 warriors).
  • The Streaked Pelt tribe lives in the sunken store rooms. They've knocked out the floors and built platforms from discarded wood and ropes they've made themselves. The Streaked Pelt tribe has an especial hatred of the goblins, since the tribe matriarch's children were ambushed and then skinned to make the bridal furs. The Streaked Pelt tribe boasts 42 warriors.
  • The hobgoblins are the Iron Hounds, a once numerous mercenary band reduced to eleven. They are led by a thoul (a special type of hobgoblin that has regeneration and a paralyzing touch) named Castrahza. Castrahza is feared and respected in a large part due to her resiliency and supernatural powers, but she isn't a fool either, and that counts for a lot. The Iron Hounds can be hired by the PCs (their asking price is 1,000 gp, but they may work for less if the PCs know they're on the run, or if offered shares of treasure - they will work for plunder as well, but the referee should note that in this case, they strip anything they find from the lair of the faction they're sicced on, and won't give up their booty short of battle). The mercenaries have secured the armory that once served the temple guards.
  • The temple is filled with idols and bas reliefs showing a golden beetle with three scythe like horns and large mandibles. Inscriptions in a dead language (if using the Lamentations of the Flame Princess system for languages, it would be -2 on 1d6) call it the World Maker, and also the Horned Destroyer. The reliefs showing the Horned Destroyer aspect typically include tiny human figures fleeing from the beast as it blasts walled towns to smithereens with some kind of ray from the posterior of its carapace.
On to our encounter table. Let's make just 12 entries, with a mix of encounters between our factions and some other wandering monsters that may be lurking in the temple:

  1. The temple shifts or trembles, dust and small debris falling from the ceiling. Roll 1d4 each time this result comes up. 1-3, nothing untoward occurs. On a result of 4, debris from above falls on the PCs, doing 1d6 points of damage to all who fail a save vs. paralysis. Successful saves halve the damage (anyone wearing a helmet automatically saves).
  2. 1d6 fire beetles
  3. 1d6 orcs (these orcs do not have a faction per se, but are coming into the temple from a cave system deeper in the earth - the referee could follow up this adventure with some spelunking, if desired)
  4. Patrol of 2d8 Yellow Spot goblins. They are armed with spears, short bows, and wear leather armor. If the referee needs to invent a name for individual goblins (because the reaction roll indicates friendliness, or some other reason), Yellow Spot goblins have names like Yeek, Mreek, Kreek, etc.
  5. Patrol of 2d8 Smackjaw goblins. They are armed with swords, light crossbows, and wear chain. Should the referee need to invent a name for individual goblins, Smackjaw goblins have names like Brob, Lob, Nob, etc.
  6. Battle
  7. Battle
  8. A patrol of 2d8 Grey Pelt squirrel men. They are armed with clubs and slings. If occasion warrants, Grey Pelt tribal names resemble Nyahtoo, Toothut, Weetee, etc.
  9. A patrol of 2d8 Streaked Pelt squirrel men. They are armed with spears and javelins (one javelin each). If the situation deems it necessary, Streaked Pelt names are similar to Lofteb, Kafohd, Gufflot, etc.
  10. 1d6 bandits (these outlaws have come into the temple from outside, intent on plundering the ruin - the referee can decide if they are aligned with the outlaws in hex 1x1; note, they may be a source of replacement PCs and/or hirelings)
  11. 1d3 zombies wearing the tattered remains of cult vestments; some may have golden beetle necklaces worth 10 gp (2 in 6 chance)
  12. An echoing sound like many legs and the scraping of something hard against stone. Do not read the following:  A creature from the depths beneath the temple stirs, and is in search of prey. Make note of this each time it comes up, and mention that the sound seems louder each time. After the 3rd time it is rolled, the players will encounter a battlefield strewn with dead goblins and dead squirrel men - many of them sliced in half (none of the bodies are whole, and the amount of blood implies that there were many more). On the 5th result, they see a green glowing apparition undulating toward them. Once in range of the party's light, they will see a pale, many legged beast whose golden head is armed with scything mandibles of a slightly darker hue. It fills the passage way (it can squeeze itself into tunnels 10' wide but not below this), and has a combat speed of 100'. It is impervious to non-magical weapons, has 10 hit dice, deals 2d6 points of damage with its mandibles (its only weapon), and regenerates 3 hp per round (it cannot die, even if reduced to zero hp or below unless the referee rules otherwise. Under normal circumstances, if reduced to 0 hp or below, the creature ceases activity for 24 hours as it regenerates its damaged body).*
 *As a side note, the referee may want to decide how many HD it has consumed. The simplest way is to roll d%-6. Once the beast has consumed 100 hit dice, it will pupate, a process lasting for one month. Afterward, it burrows its way out of the sunken temple and emerges as a gigantic golden beetle (you may invent the statistics, or use the Tarrasque as a blueprint - instead of fire breath it blasts foes with chemical artillery from a chamber at the aft end of its abdomen, this has a 180 degree field of fire). It also has a fly speed of 30 miles per hour (3 miles per turn, 2,640 ft. per round).

If the referee really wants to be sadistic, the Horned Destroyer can make a terrible cacophony through stridulation (rubbing parts of its carapace together). Anyone within 10 miles of the horrid thing is stricken permanently deaf. Those within 100 miles are effectively deaf (no other sounds can be made out over the noise), and the sound can be heard from as far away as 1,000 miles. It does this to attract a mate. And will do so until it either successfully finds a partner, or is slain. If it successfully mates, both Horned Destroyers die in 1d4 days - but not before the female lays a clutch of a dozen cow-sized eggs somewhere in the campaign world, beginning the cycle over again.

Now that we have our encounter table, we can see that its got a mix of possible friendly and possible hostile encounters, a slower burning threat (with an apocalyptic payoff), and a nuisance. I could perhaps spice up the other encounters, but I think I'll leave them as is, since occasionally, it's nice to make something up on the fly (the orcs could be friendly, or they could be blind albino cannibals like the cave dwellers in The Descent).

Something else to consider: Most dungeons are going to have multiple levels (as imagined, this one would), and each level likely needs its own encounter table. In general, dungeon depth is proportional to the threats on the encounter tables, but this doesn't always have to be so. Personally, if I were actually making the temple as a dungeon, I would probably  take the larva off the table and make it trigger off of something the PCs messed with. I just wanted to throw something cool on the table, since we're using it as an example. Encounter tables should have a mix of tougher and weaker monsters. It's okay to have a stronger monster be on the encounter table for a "shallower" level, so long as you make it less likely than the weaker encounters; in the other direction, it's also okay to put weaker monsters on the "deeper" level encounter tables. Not every fight has to be a challenge.

Importantly, our example encounter table takes into account our factions, which leads toward generating the much vaunted and often misapplied story I hear so many RPG blogs, sites, and forum posters talk about. Factions are integral to providing something for players to get involved in (or not) and provides consequence to the player's choices.

I'll save this tangent for another post down the road, but what most call "story" Carlos and I call plot. Story is what happens to the characters as a result of their interactions with the game world (via the exploration, encounter, and reaction mechanics, but most importantly, from player choices). Plot is what happens when the players cooperate and follow the rails that the referee has laid out. I'm not saying plot is bad necessarily, and plot and story can happen in the same game, but there's a level of nuance that is seriously misunderstood. As I said, I'll come back to this.

Hopefully this example will be helpful. I don't claim to have all the answers where encounter tables are concerned, and I definitely think that this one is a good starting point, but it's not the end-all be-all example I would have preferred. I've been trying to write this blog post for three evenings running after work, and I just can't bring myself to pour any more into it than I already have. As with all writing, you reach a point where you have to stop, else you'll never finish it because there's some detail to tweak, or a better phrase, or a position you want to elaborate on, etc. So, I'm done. Make a dungeon. Put it in a wilderness. Let your players loose on the world, and hope they aren't devoured by something primordial.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Surprise Mid-week Post

I realize it has been some time since I updated. Over the last year or so, I've been working a lot and I've either found myself exhausted and feeling a distinct lack of creativity, or distracted by other obligations. So, I'm taking a free moment to update the blog and address a request from Ezekiel regarding one of the essential mechanics of OSR based games.

Random Encounters

There are three pillars to the way in which B/X D&D (and OSR games based on that framework) is meant to be played: Exploration, combat, and roleplaying. Random encounters interact with all three pillars through a number of mechanics. On the exploration side of things, random encounters are a part of the risk inherent in seeking out the reward (i.e. treasure), since random encounters can (and often do) lead into sticky combat situations where characters and, occasionally, entire parties end up perishing. Such as what happened when we set fire to an altar room to keep warrior women from murdering us through a secret passage - after having spiked the main door shut to keep them from coming in that way. We were not successful in putting out the fire, which spread, predictably, and we could not find the mechanism that operated the secret door in time before we succumbed to the smoke and flame.

It wasn't our best day.

Combat is a deterrent, when you get right down to it. If there aren't safe resting locations, and there isn't sufficient magic to keep restoring hit points, then you've got a rapidly depleting resource, and you really don't want to get into fights if you can avoid it. Fights don't have to be immediately deadly either, just enough to whittle the HP of the party down to the point where any more fights start to look downright unpleasant.

There's a brilliant mechanic that often gets forgotten (especially when someone drags out the "D&D is just a combat game" straw man) that potentially bypasses combat altogether, and leads straight into the roleplaying that characterizes the entire genre. I think reaction rolls might be my favorite part of older versions of D&D, and B/X in particular. It's the missing piece of encounters, random or otherwise, that is lacking from 3rd edition and beyond. See, in 3rd edition, there's no assumption that the reaction roll will happen, it has been relegated to either Charisma checks (in 3.0) or to the Diplomacy skill (in 3.5/PF/Whatever the hell else they're doing now). Charisma checks and Diplomacy are not automatically called for at the outset of an encounter, and thus, encounters are automatically hostile unless the referee says otherwise or the players take it upon themselves to avoid fighting, which, if they're playing as intended, likely won't, because slain monsters = XP.

Reaction rolls are fantastic because they provide an opportunity to shape the way in which the story will go, and the referee can be as surprised as the other players. Peaceful or even neutral encounters can be opportunities to trade, make allies, gain valuable information, and possibly deceive, steal, double-cross, or ambush NPCs. If you're using factions in your dungeons (highly recommended!), then it gives the players an ability to upset the dungeon's status quo, and be caught up in the intrigues between said factions. The best part, is that survivors of the PC's rampages can become allies and enemies in the future, and while in the dungeon, there is a population that can serve as hirelings, retainers and replacement characters.

So, the question is, how to design random encounters? I'm going to admit my own experience is somewhat limited due to the fact that I have mostly been running pre-made adventures for the Basic Fantasy Roleplaying Game and re-skinning them to suit my bizarre tastes. You can find them here, and best of all, they're free. Chris Gonnerman is a saint. Additionally, the print versions are at or very near cost, so they can be a fiscally responsible point of entry. But, because I've been cribbing from other referee's works, I haven't been flexing that particular muscle, and it doesn't help that I've been pretty fatigued by my day job.

But, as always, I have some thoughts based on the modules I do have.

Encounter Tables & Their Kin

My first suggestion, for anyone who is new to making encounter tables, is that they should have a plan in mind. And we'll outline the things you ought to consider here:

  • Location. Is this an encounter table for wilderness areas? A dungeon? An urban area? Frontier? Etc. Consider the space. Urban areas will likely feature humans and demihumans more often than it will feature straight up monsters, but it can depend on what you're going for. A frontier might also feature human encounters, but fewer of them, to reflect that there are fewer people, and animals and monsters will make up the bulk of encounters. Wilderness should feature even fewer humans, if any, and many more monsters.
  • Proportion. Not all encounters need be combats, but since the reaction roll already exists to provide an opportunity to forestall the possibility that all encounters will turn violent, you may consider making one or two encounters non-combative by default, such as a trapper who might be willing to trade supplies or information, guide the PCs, or just share his camp site. Urban encounters are trickier. You could make a bunch of non-combat encounters, or just make potentially hostile encounters less likely. You can do either, or both, as you choose.
  • Substance. Encounters with beings abstractly represent a population that exists in the space that the encounter table is describing. So, if you have wilderness area that your players are exploring, you may want to have thought about the orc tribes in the hills that are supplying the orc warbands roaming the map (and who may or may not be raiding the outlying settlements in the frontier area to the West). These same bands should have a relationship, which can range the gamut from allied to at war. Something that is important to consider though, is how many warbands they can supply, so how many times can the PCs encounter the Black Tooth tribe's warbands before their forces are depleted into irrelevance?
  • Escalation. It isn't necessary for an encounter to immediately begin with opposing parties surprising one another, making reaction rolls, and then either making truce or fighting it out. An encounter can initially be a sighting. The first result could be a glimpse of a Black Tooth warband marching through the forest paths, either returning from a raid or embarking on one. The second result could simply be (depending on the numbers of the band) the orcs jeering and insulting the PCs, possibly throwing things in their general direction. Or, the orcs might try to discover what they want, and what will make the PCs go away as quickly as possible. If the PCs keep encroaching on their territory, or talks break down, the next encounter can turn nastily violent. The same technique can be employed with, say, a dragon. The first encounter could be seeing it flying above the hills to the North. The second encounter, it has a cow or similar large prey animal in its talons and is flying back the other way. The third encounter could feature the mighty beast casually slaying one of the orc warbands. You don't even have to present an opportunity for the PCs to fight the dragon, just dangle the wyrm in front of them and see if they seek it out.
That's all well and good, but what about the nuts and bolts? To start with, don't make a 100 encounter list. It's probably more work than it's worth, and you'll exhaust yourself trying to fill it. There's nothing preventing you from adding new entries to an existing encounter table, or modifying it to suit a new situation or location. I don't think you should make generic tables either, since you can always take a specific table, and scratch out details that don't fit. The best tables are focused and short, with enough detail that they say something about the space they're meant to represent. So, how many entries? My personal leanings are 12 or 20. That way you can quickly roll using either of those two dice and get things resolved. Subtables are fine, but don't make too much more work for yourself if you don't have to.

To that end, let's make an encounter table for the White Drake Hills, a wilderness region with a human frontier to its western edge. Let's say that it spans 6x6 six-mile hexes, and that the western side is "frontier" and the rest is "wilderness". So, the table will reflect that mix, as people are pushing into the wilderness and beginning to tame it. Let's make it a 12 entry table, just to make things easy on me. There are hills to the North, and a scattering of hills, grassland, and forest in the rest of the region. We aren't going to try to "balance" this list against a given level of PCs. It will be up to the PCs to decide whether or not to engage or retreat. Hex locations are length x width of the region, 1x1 being the Northwest most corner and 6x6 being the Southeast most corner.

  1. A green dragon can be seen flying South. It is little more than an emerald glint against the sky, but its silhouette is unmistakable. A second result will feature the dragon flying North, a kicking moose dangling from the beast's raking talons. A third result finds the dragon on the ground, slaughtering one of the orc warbands in the area.
  2. An orc crashes through the underbrush and stumbles into the party's path. The orc is a survivor from the Cloud Face tribe, annihilated in a recent war, and is wounded, possibly feverish, and starving. Assuming the PCs don't kill the orc on sight, roll reaction. Even if hostile, the orc does not try to fight the PCs, but does distrust them. The survivor speaks both the common tongue and the languages of the region's orc tribes. If the PCs decide to be friendly, the orc can act as a guide and interpreter. The orc can be male or female, as the referee chooses, and any age that is appropriate. An aged orc shaman might be an interesting and fearsome guide, but the referee may want to design the orc with an eye toward being a possible PC replacement.
  3. In a forest clearing, there is a lone bull woolly rhinoceros cropping the new spring grass. If he spots the PCs, he will charge at them until they leave, or he loses 1/3 of his hit points (at which point, he quits the field unless pursued).
  4. On the initial result, the PCs spot a warband of 5d6 Black Tooth orcs marching (1-3) West or (4-6) East at some distance. On the second result, another warband spots the PCs and approaches. They send a small group forward under a flag of truce, and try to ascertain what the PCs want in their broken common, using gesture where vocabulary fails them. If the PCs desire free passage, they will need to give the orcs tribute of 500 gp. In return, the orcs will give them a filthy orange banner with an emblem meant to be blackened teeth. If the PCs do not want to pay it, the orcs warn them to leave. Further results: Roll reaction. If neutral or friendly, proceed as above, but keep track. After two more encounters, relations sour and further encounters are hostile. The Black Tooth tribe has 10 warbands of warriors operating in the region (to determine their maximum number of combat forces, roll 5d6 and multiply by ten, removing warbands from that total as the PCs encounter and defeat them).
  5. An amorous pair of hill giants (one male, one female). They are young adults, sneaking away from their tribe (or tribes?) to the South to tryst in the hills and woodlands in the region. They can be variously encountered: 1-4 on 1d6 (In Hills) Laughing and frolicking among the wildflowers adorning the hilltops; (In Forest) Hunting game with their throwing clubs; (In Grassland) Playing games hurling stones as close as they can to a thick post; 5 on 1d6, as above, but having abandoned the previous activity for a loud and vigorous intimacy; 6 on 1d6, both giants are splashing and playing in a large pond, nude, as a prelude to romantic athletics. In any case, the giants, once they spot the PCs, will throw stones and large branches at the PCs until the PCs give them privacy, or, if the PCs persist, the two giants will inflict their frustration on the PCs with clubs and fists.
  6. A trapper and his mule. He is friendly, and has furs to trade for supplies, if the PCs choose. If the PCs are cordial and companionable he will invite them to his camp in hex 3x2, which is a safe place to rest. He gives his name as Eustace, but it may be an alias (the referee is free to rename the trapper). There is fresh water at this location from a natural spring. If this encounter comes up again, ignore it twice. Every third result brings the PCs back into contact with Eustace, and he may be checking his traps, hunting, or have news from the frontier areas.
  7. A band of human and demihuman outlaws 3d6 strong. Roll for surprise. If they get the drop on the PCs, they attack immediately. If surprised by the PCs, the outlaws are encamped and playing at dice. If neither side is surprised, the outlaws approach brazenly. Either way, roll reaction. If friendly, the outlaws will make polite demands for the party to pay their toll of 100 silver. If neutral, the outlaws make the demand for 200 silver at arrow point. If hostile, the outlaws simply demand "Your money or your life!" Defeat sends the survivors fleeing to hex 1x1, where their hideout is located. If the outlaws are encamped when they are encountered, they will instead invite the PCs to play dice, and when the PCs tire of it, follow them and attempt to murder and rob them in the night. There are sixty outlaws living in a crumbling fortress, along with their women and children. The leader is a 3rd level Thief with a map detailing the entrance to a dungeon in hex 5x4. Further encounters deplete the outlaw reserves until they dwindle to half. The next encounter after that results in a band with the leader in command. He offers peace to the PCs, since the outlaws are his responsibility. If the PCs accept, he may offer the map as a goodwill gesture. If they desire, the PCs may resupply at the outlaw hideout, though they may not receive warm welcomes (they have, after all, killed approximately half the men).
  8. A cougar stalks the PCs, surprising on a 1-5 on 1d6. If spotted, it retires. If not, after one hex of travel, it strikes, pouncing on the smallest party member or the last party member in marching order if PCs are of similar size. It then attempts to drag the PC into the forest to kill and eat at its leisure. It fights to keep its prey until it breaks morale (let morale determine how... hungry it is). Further results can be ignored, or non-predatory wildlife at the referee's discretion.
  9. As 4 above with the Black Tooth tribe, except that it is the Thunder Foot tribe instead. The banner they offer is maroon with a green foot and yellow lightning bolts flying from the heel. The Black Tooth and Thunder Foot tribes are mortal enemies, and if the PCs are found to be carrying the other tribe's banner, violence ensues.
  10. A large shadow passes over the party. Searching the sky reveals only a lone eagle riding the thermals. A second result is much the same, but the eagle appears closer, and something seems off about its size. The third result may be a strike if it occurs in either the hills or grasslands hexes - but not the forest hexes, as the giant eagle cannot maneuver in the trees and risks injuring itself. If a strike, the giant eagle attempts to carry off a random PC. If it misses, or the PC frees themselves before they get too high, the eagle will make a second attempt, but will cut its losses if it cannot snatch a PC. Alternatively, if the PCs have pack animals or mounts, the referee may have the giant eagle try for such a target.
  11. A band of bugbear slavers 3d6 strong with 2d4 slaves (human and demihuman) in tow. If friendly, they will offer to buy any captives the PCs might wish to sell, and may sell their slaves to the PCs for a fair price. If neutral, the bugbears will attempt diplomacy, potentially leading to the offer to buy captives, and sell slaves. If hostile, the bugbears will attempt to capture and enslave the PCs. The bugbears have a fortress/trading post at hex 3x6. Their leader is a 5th level Magic-User.
  12. A great roaring sound and lines of red and green fire arc between two silvery darts in the sky. After a furious assault lasting a quarter of an hour, one of the darts veers drunkenly toward the ground, leaking flames. It crashes with thunderous noise in hex 6x3. Ignore the next 10 results of 12. The 11th time it comes up, the PCs encounter a band of Grey Men in silver ship suits with various injuries. They are armed with directed energy weapons, but are in bad need of supplies, and will want to talk rather than fight. Their leader, a 2nd level Fighter, has a handheld translation device. It is possible that the PCs will never encounter the survivors, or they may explore the smoking ruins of the craft and encounter them there.
Unfortunately, I have to cut this a little short. I wanted to elaborate on a few things, but I'll have to save them for a follow up post (no promises for how soon that might be). I hope that this gives Ezekiel some direction (more than I gave him in that email a while back, anyway), and I hope any others who find their way to my neglected blog find some use for it. For now, adieu.